A Template for RevealJS Slides written in Markdown
One dimensional over-dumped Lagevin’s equation:
\lambda \dfrac{dx}{dt} = -\dfrac{dV(x)}{dx} + \eta(t)
Ok it works!
The stationary distribution relative to stochastic process x(t) described by Langevin’s equation it’s a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
\rho(x)\propto e^{-kV(x)}
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with elastic potential
Here the code used to create the plot:
Try to drawing a simple graph with graphviz
This graph was created from a hand-made figure in an operating system paper
Here the code used to create the plot:
graph G {
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
run -- intr;
intr -- runbl;
runbl -- run;
run -- kernel;
kernel -- zombie;
kernel -- sleep;
kernel -- runmem;
sleep -- swap;
swap -- runswap;
runswap -- new;
runswap -- runmem;
new -- runmem;
sleep -- runmem;
At the end let’s try plantuml
Drawing a graph from yaml file
Here the yaml file: